Once again, the citizens of the world are spectators of war games. With the political situation in Ukraine as a pretext and with economic and energy implications the leaders of the super powers themselves have provoked; they have pulled humanity once again into a new cycle of hostilities.
All those in positions of authority and power who have brought humanity to the worst point in history, now want to persuade us that they are acting in the name of Justice and the protection of Democracy. Which Democracy? Democracy does not exist anywhere around the globe. If they truly wanted to improve the lives of the people, why haven’t any of them revealed that their people have a huge wealth found in Global Heritage Accounts that can solve all the problems that torment humanity?
In reality, they are all a gang with the same bosses and they execute a plan to divide and mislead the people. Their only purpose is the survival of the global regime which they all belong to and serve. This is what they always do when their establishment is in jeopardy. And with the propaganda of the Mainstream Media, the people take part in their game. We become voluntary extras in the theatre of the absurd and we become supporters of either one side or the other ignoring and forgetting that we ourselves always suffer the consequences.
Alexandroupolis and Souda have become targets for Russia, since the domestic puppets of the EU gave authorisation for Alexandroupolis’s port to become a transit centre for US military equipment to Ukraine. Does this serve the interests of the Hellenes? No one asks the Greek people in their so called “Democracy”. Even in issues of utmost importance and national security, their political line comes preprepared from outside, cut and woven to suit the greater interests. Why? Because with the pretext of the fictional economic crisis, the governments of Greece illegally surrendered its Sovereign rights irrevocably and unconditionally, and since then, it is governed by the lenders and the Courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Furthermore, all the Ministries of the country, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have been placed under the control of the Independent Authority of Public Revenue (AADE). A ghost corporation without Legal Personality that cannot even be inspected by the country! With the many betrayals over so many years, our country is subject to foreign powers. And even though it is situated between three continents and purely based on its geographical position, it should be an independent and self-sufficient super power.
The need for a firm, independent and purely Hellenic Government has never been greater – with a Foreign Ministry that will respect the history, the dignity and the will of the Hellenes, protecting their rights and removing anything that threatens and places the security of the Hellenes at risk, and by extension, all of Europe and the world. Hellas (Greece) has always led the liberation of humanity and again, Hellas will give the example and pave the way for all the people to follow and cast out the tyrannical thrall of the elite.
The Political Body “Ellinon
Syneleysis” is here for the accomplishment of the coveted unity of the people,
with clear positions and solutions for the establishment of true Democracy
where the citizens will have a say in all political decisions that will define their